Yet from the moment we started Arkham City, all we could think was: Arkham Asylum was practice. Compared to its sequel, the “best superhero game ever” and our choice for Game of the Year 2009 seems like a tech demo, a first draft, merely a blueprint for what the perfect Batman game can actually be. This is it.
Arkham City is than its already incredible predecessor, take a look at this list of the Batman villains mentioned in Arkham Asylum, but never seen. Half of those now play major roles in the sequel, in addition to return appearances by all except one of the rogue’s gallery introduced in the original. Throw in new heroes like Robin, Alfred, Vicki Vale and Talia al Ghul, as well as a bunch of surprise cameos we wouldn’t dare spoil here, and you have a cast numbering in the “holy cow, did Joel Schumacher direct this?!” range. That fear is unnecessary, however, because the game’s writers and developers have succeeded in fully developing and fully justifying every character’s place in a narrative that makes complete logical and dramatic sense. It’s really rather miraculous.
Seriously, this story is special, combining the humanity of the best Animated Series episodes, the brutal darkness of a Frank Miller comic and the confident risk-taking of a Christopher Nolan film. There are no moments as subversive as the fourth-wall break in Arkham Asylum, but there are countless moments of awe, shock and squealing fanboy glee – hell, you’ll be overpowered by all of those emotions within the first 15 minutes of the game alone. By the last 15 minutes, you may honestly choke back some tears, and not for a reason you’d ever predict or ever expect a superhero game to deliver.
Of course, the most obvious upgrade in Arkham City is, well, Arkham City. At the time the original game released, a small island asylum seemed like the only possible setting for a properly done Batman experience – attempt to render the sprawling streets and skyscrapers of Gotham itself and you’d sacrifice BioShock-level detail for GTA-style size, and might as well be developing a Superman or Spider-Man game. The sequel, though, proves that assumption wrong. The asylum remains on an island of sorts – a bordered, quarantined section of Gotham City – but is at least four to five times as large as before, and if anything, more detailed.
Stand still at any point and the magnitude of both Arkham City’s epic scale and atmospheric intricacy will floor you. Endless rooftops stretching into the horizon, each with a different neon sign or peeling billboard or deadly booby trap . An apartment building that can be instantly recognized, not only because Selina Kyle’s cats are outside one of the windows, but because every building in the environment is unique. A gigantic carnival Ferris wheel that, when scanned with Detective mode, reveals a hidden body in each compartment. Snow falling as helicopter spotlights crisscross through the night sky and fire burns in the distant background, leftover from a battle that – at some point in the game – you fought.
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