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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

PlayStation 4 Will Launch Before Next Xbox

 Sony is planning to release the PlayStation 4 before Christmas 2013, which is when Microsoft is expected to launch its next console.

The source stated that Sony is "confident" of beating Microsoft to market this time around. The Xbox 360 was out for almost a full year before Sony released the PlayStation 3.

"Top line publishers" already know about the console's specifications, with the source confirming that "Developers working with publishers – like Ubisoft, for example – already know what's going on. They're already working on it."

Most other developers will be briefed "by the end of this year", though some have been invited to events in May and June in the US.

This news comes after it was widely speculated earlier today that the next Xbox would require a constant internet connection and would be out around Christmas daniel krupa

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